If you’re looking for help controlling pest in the garden, there is an army of little helpers eager to lend a hand. These are the beneficial insects that behave in ways that are helpful to gardeners. They help out by hunting, eating, or parasitizing insects that are harmful to our crops, or by pollinating fruiting plants. Beneficial insects can help us to have thriving gardens and abundant yields without having to use chemical pesticides that can be harmful to ourselves and the environment.

Flowers to Attract Beneficial Insects

Filling the garden with flowers and beautiful blossoms will provide pollen and nectar for the different life stages of these insects. Include a wide variety of flowers, and ones that bloom early, midseason, and later in the season. Flowers such as dill, caraway, cilantro, and yarrow are appealing to beneficial insects. Daisy like flowers such as sunflower, goldenrod, and asters are also appealing.

Providing sources of water

Having a water source in the garden will help beneficial insects quench their thirst. A shallow poll of water with stones or piles of gravel will provide a suitable water source. Some insects like butterflies and some pollinator bees will prefer a mud puddle to use.

Shelter for Beneficials

An ideal solution would be providing a wild area in the yard for beneficial insects. A wooded area or hedgerow 10 to 20 feet north of the garden would be perfect. But any small undisturbed area will give beneficial insects a place to shelter and reproduce. (Source: https://garden.org).